Sunday 29 December 2013

New Year's Resolutions

Another year, another list..

I love New Year's resolutions. Weirdly for me they seem to be the best motivator possible, as they're the only ones I can't negotiate my way out of. If I have a deadline for something I'll wait til the very last minute, but I can't let myself do that because they tend take time (like how do you lose *x*kg or save €*x* all within a month?); I'm also unable to make deals with anyone - or myself for that matter - because it's written down on paper and it'll stare and mock me for all eternity if I try.

No, a New Year's resolution is the closest thing to a contract possible in my day-to-day life. However this does mean that actually making them requires more than a whim or a passing consideration. This the life changing list, life or death, the fate of the earth and all its peoples.. dramatic, moi?

So here are the ones I've decided on so far - the ones I'm willing to put onto the internet at least:

1. Lose *a certain number of*kg
2. Get a haircut every 2 months minimum (I got a grand total of 1 haircut in 2013 and that was in September, so I figure even if this is a little excessive I'll err on the side of caution this year)
3. Do my exercises every day

4. Actually make an effort with my appearance (face scrubs, brushing my hair on a daily basis, that sort of nonsense)
5. Stick to the weight loss challenge with Will.
6. Take dance lessons.
7. Stop biting my nails.

Terribly vein and self-centered I know, but that's what I use these resolutions for. I'll remember to do hang out with my friends more because I'll feel lonely; I'll remember to do a bit of charity work or whatever because I receive e-mails from Volunteer Ireland.. I won't remember to brush my hair every day because I'll tie it back and avoid mirrors - and who really cares what the flip I look like anyways? Unfortunately though this means that when it comes to an event where I want to look nice (like the EngSoc Ball in February, for example) I have to deal with ratty, split-ended hair and dry, spotty skin - not to mention the layers of flab that have slowly built up since the last time I decided to exercise. I'm lazy and it comes back to bite me. Just as well it comes back to bite me often enough that I have reason to write lists like this. I want to make an effort so I can leave the house thinking "You know what? I actually look ok today, even though I'm not wearing makeup and my jeans could do with a wash. Now I can enjoy myself and think of more important things than what people are thinking when they look at me" instead of "Keep your head down, nobody is staring at you, nobody cares what you look like.. Yes you're a mess but it doesn't matter because you're only seeing your friends and why would they bother.."

Anyways I'm feeling particularly snoozy at the moment so that's it from me for now,

Night! x

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